Xgard MPS

Meet the next generation of flammable gas detection

With Molecular Property Spectrometer™ technology
Accurately detect over 15 hazardous gases in one MPS sensor for better safety and more operational efficiency.

MPS in fixed detectors

  • Sensor Poisoning is solved
  • TrueLEL™ multi-gas accuracy
  • Zero calibration for 5 years
  • Hydrogen ready


A higher standard of flammable gas detection.

Keep people and premises safer, with more efficient and accurate testing.

Building on over 50 years of gas expertise, Crowcon is pioneering advanced molecular property spectrometer (MPS™) sensor technology that detects and accurately identifies over 15 different flammable gases in one device. Now available in Crowcon’s flagship Xgard Bright fixed detector.

  • No more poisoning
  • Less false alarms
  • Hydrogen ready
  • Reduce masked alarms
  • Multi-gas protection
  • Eliminate operational disruption
  • Better hazard protection

Designed for multi-gas environments such as those in waste energy, wastewater, green energy, bio-gas, petrochemical, oil and gas, and industrial manufacturing.

Designed for multi-gas environments:

Compare MPS™ with Pellistor and Infrared sensors

The gold standard of gas detection is here.

Sensor Poisoning is solved

The MPS™ sensor has been designed for today’s multi-gas environments, and resists contamination and prevents sensor poisoning. Protect your environments and give your teams peace of mind with a purpose-built device.

TrueLEL™ multi-gas accuracy

The MPS™ sensor accurately detects and identifies over 15 different flammable gases automatically in real time without the need for calibration or a correctional factor. Guarantee accurate readings, with no false alarms or non-alarms due to real-time environmental compensation.

Reduced Fleet Maintenance

The MPS™ sensor technology does not require calibration and no maintenance over its 5-year+ lifecycle meaning a lower total cost of ownership. Scheduled maintenance is no longer needed removing interruptions to your operations. The sensor self-monitors and automatically reports any problems with its operation, giving greater peace of mind as well as reduced cost of ownership.

Hydrogen ready

The MPS™ sensor is tailor-made for Hydrogen detection. Increasingly used in industrial processes, Infrared detectors cannot identify Hydrogen, so until now, the only option has been Pellistor detection, with limitations around accuracy and more susceptible to poisoning. With the MPS™ sensor, only one device is needed saving space without compromising on safety.

File Description File size Downloads
pdf MPS-Whitepaper 9 MB 291
pdf MPS-Datasheet-British-English 341 KB 412